A short letter to Mr Djanogly

Jonathan Djanogly, MP,
House of Commons,
London SW1A 0AA.

Dear Mr Djanogly,

Re: Conduct of Mr Patrick Mercer

As you will be aware, there was a story in the press earlier this year about a hit-list of prominent British Jews, including Lord Sugar. The Sun has since admitted it was false, apologised and withdrawn the article. The inspiration for the article came from Mr Glen Jenvey, who Mr Mercer has described as ‘a man who needs to be listened to’.

A colleague of mine, Tim Ireland, discovered the story’s inaccuracy through his investigation in his own time. Since then, Mr Ireland has been branded a child molester and had his home address and ex-directory telephone number published on the internet.

I am writing to you because your colleague, Mr Mercer, has caused a number of the problems Mr Ireland faces through both his actions and inactions, including denying contacts with Mr Jenvey despite evidence in the public domain to the contrary. A summary of the events can be found on the Guardian’s website (http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/sep/25/the-sun-ummah-unite-bardot) and on Mr Ireland’s own website (http://www.bloggerheads.com/archives/2009/09/patrick_mercer_boom.asp).

I should be very grateful if you could find the time to discuss this with Mr Mercer and if you could inform me of the results of that discussion.

Yours sincerely,

David Cole.

3 thoughts on “A short letter to Mr Djanogly

  1. Patrick Mercer on one occasion described himself “an incompetent twit”, calculated oratory for sympathy but the truth is that Mr Mercer is no twit, indeed he is a man of no small intellect, hardened by his years in Northern Ireland and allegedly recruited by the notorious FRU where one is likely trained in matters of alleged blame or censure silence is the best defence.

    Some of his constituents regard him to be an old unforgiving war dog living in another era willing to use draconian methods,the end,justifies the means.

    I think he is subservient in the way of the viper and a sycophant that thinks things ought to be done the Patrick Mercer way. Adam Ingram, said of Patrick Mercer that he believed Mercer was “guilty of opportunism” and that he genuinely believed Mercer was “adopting a politically dishonest posture.”

    Some of Mr Mercer’s constituents think he was guilty of self-interest and adopting a dishonest posture when he first became their MP.

    Good luck Tim Ireland, Mercer is no ordinary opponent he can be a sly old fox when he wants to be.

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