Neil William’s template Twitter strategy

Neil Williams (blog, Twitter) has drafted a template strategy for Government departments wanting to use Twitter; find it on the Cabinet Office’s Digital Engagement Blog or on Neil’s website as a PDF. It’s a good document – you have to bear in mind that this is for civil servants – and could be a good starting point for anyone with a brand to manage. It’s worth reading and I do hope that various people in HMG take it on board, particularly how useful it is as a conversational tool – I’ve had questions answered by MoD over Twitter in a matter of a couple of minutes and replied to a few things from Paul Drayson, Tom Watson and others.

I really like a particular idea that Neil has – departments live twittering their own press conferences and so on. That would be a real ‘value-added’.

A little while ago, I put all the regional and departmental RSS feeds that the COI’s News Distribution Service provide onto Twitter. The full list is here; I’m really pleased that Neil has listed me as an unofficial aggregator of government content, and more than a little flattered.


2 thoughts on “Neil William’s template Twitter strategy

  1. Hi Dave

    Sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to replying. I never imagined my little (or not so little) Twitter doc would get so much publicity, but if it sent more traffic your way then that’s a good side effect as far as I’m concerned 🙂

    (Speaking here in a personal capacity, I should probably add).

    .-= Neil´s last blog: A quick update (about a slow update) =-.

  2. Not at all – I figured you’d be busy. I think your document attracted attention because of its quality; as I’ve mentioned, there are a couple of areas where I disagree, but it’s a really solid piece of work.

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