London snow

Evidently, the UK has come to a halt because of the snow. As I mentioned in my previous post, I’m in Oslo. Suffice to say that ten or fifteen centimetres of snow isn’t a problem for Norway.

Looking at Facebook, lots of people are complaining that the snow brings London to a halt. Ten centimetres of snow lying on the ground, up here, can be counted on consistently during the winter. In the UK, it’s a once in fifteen or twenty year event. It’s simply not worth building the transport system to deal with events that happen so infrequently. It would make as much sense as Norway preparing itself for sand being blown in from the Sahara.

Stop complaining, build a snow person and enjoy the day off work.


5 thoughts on “London snow

  1. Dave, I never thought I’d say this, but you are the voice of reason on this subject! Much as we all love to indulge in a bit of ‘blame it on the government’ from time to time, preparing for something that happens once every 18 years would be wasteful and pointless, not to mention counter-intuitive.
    And, to be fair, 2 days of disruption due to snow in almost as many decades is not exactly bad. Statistically speaking…

    lalu’s last blog post..Neo-ellines or ‘why I don’t want you blaming me for your character defects’

  2. You’re becoming very English, Lalu. I fear you may have gone native – complaining, whinging and low-level grumpiness are the hallmarks of the Brit.

    If we’re complaining, it should be for more snow so that we have more public holidays to put us on a par with the rest of Europe.

    Talking of adaptations, the cold weather and slippy floors mean that people often carry two sets of footwear and, of course, heavy coats, hats and scarves. The result is that almost every public building has a large cloakroom with plenty of room to hang all your outdoor clothes and to change into your indoor shoes.


  3. I heard about this, it seems crazy. I live in midwest US theres really no amount of snow that could curb us, but its really bizarre to think that a few inches could totally shut down a city. i’ve seen it in the south but never heard of it outside the us. global warming?

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