Ways in which Barack Obama is different from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

The Pennsylvania Republican party have run an advert where the ‘O’ of Obama’s surname is replaced with a hammer and sickle in a circle. Just for the avoidance of doubt, I thought I’d do a little list of ways in which Barack Obama is different from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

CPSU Barack Obama
Ran a country through one-party rule Has never run a country through one-party rule
Killed up to sixty million kulaks Has never killed up to sixty million kulaks
Signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with Nazi Germany Has never signed any pacts with Nazi Germany
Crushed uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia Has never crushed uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia
Ran a command economy Runs a free market economy
Persecuted Christians and executed Orthodox priests Is a Christian

Do I really need to continue? OK, Republicans, we get it. You think Obama is allowing the federal government to grow too large. This does not make him a communist.


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