Still there…

I am very proud of some of the things I achieved while active in the LSE Students’ Union. A little while ago, I was contacted by LSESU asking if, as part of the redecoration of the bar, they could have a silhouette of me and a quote to go on the wall. I duly obliged; this evening, I saw it on the wall of the Three Tuns for the first time.

Silhouette 1

This is the wall, with the outlines of JFK, Cherie Blair, the two mascots (beaver and penguin) and a few other notables and not-so-notables including yours truly.

Silhouette 2


The quote says

42 real heads of government, 17 Nobel laureates, 2 fictional heads of government and at least 2 terrorists have been to the LSE. Countless others have changed the world.

Before you finish, just ask yourself – do we really need another accountant?


4 thoughts on “Still there…

  1. Oh?

    The LSE isn’t anything like the halcyon days of the late sixties. The student body is more right wing than it was, less politically engaged and more focussed on careers. Indeed, it seems at times that the LSE is half university, half professional training college.

    But thanks for the compliment 🙂


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