The government on Twitter

The Central Office of Information run a rather good website called the News Distribution Service, formerly the Government News Network. Below the fold are the RSS and Twitter feeds in three groups – aggregate, departmental and regional.

Unfortunately, no-one knows about it as the COI doesn’t do much to promote it despite being “the Government’s centre of excellence for marketing and communications”. It consists of news updates for all the big bits of government – departments, agencies and regions – that you could want. It’s a good way of keeping an eye on what they’re all up to an finding the occasional hidden gem of a press release. They’ve had RSS feeds for ages and now they’re on Twitter (thanks to yours truly).



All departments
RSS Twitter

Key & ministerial departments
RSS Twitter


Cabinet Office
RSS Twitter

Department for Communities & Local Government
RSS Twitter

Ministry of Justice
RSS Twitter

Department for Culture, Media & Sport
RSS Twitter

Department for Children, Schools and Families
RSS Twitter

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
RSS Twitter

Department for Innovation, Universities & Skills
RSS Twitter

Department for International Development
RSS Twitter

Department for Transport
RSS Twitter

Department for Work & Pensions
RSS Twitter

Department of Health
RSS Twitter

Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform
RSS Twitter

Foreign & Commonwealth Office
RSS Twitter

Health & Safety Executive
RSS Twitter

HM Revenue & Customs
RSS Twitter

HM Treasury
RSS Twitter

Home Office
RSS Twitter

Ministry of Defence
RSS Twitter

Office of Fair Trading
RSS Twitter


RSS Twitter

East Midlands
RSS Twitter

RSS Twitter

North East
RSS Twitter

North West
RSS Twitter

Northern Ireland
RSS Twitter

RSS Twitter

South East
RSS Twitter

South West
RSS Twitter

RSS Twitter

West Midlands
RSS Twitter

Yorkshire & the Humber
RSS Twitter

RSS to Twitter by

9 thoughts on “The government on Twitter

  1. Neil,

    Thankyou – it did take a little while, but I found that Led Zep II helps.

    Thanks for collating the other HMG Twitters – I’m going to see what else there is out there and try to collate it.


  2. G,

    I must point out that this is not an official feed. I have piped the various RSS feeds through TwitterFeed and the project does not have official sanction.


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